KEBAHAGIAAN bukanlah suatu noktah...tetapi suatu proses hidup yang sentiasa berterusan...
Maka, nikmatilah sepenuhnya sementara ia hadir...

Stay FOCUSED on the game, never look back, never feel the pain, coz you're the pain! -TITANS 0004

Monday, March 22, 2010

Social Suicide...


Social suicide???

Facebook: DEACTIVATE..
Twitter: no more TWEETS..
YM: rarely ONLINE..
Blog: seldomly updates..
Phone: intentionally left...

So, for those who think that you knows me well, you know how to find me.. :)

Btw, No worries..
its just temporary..i'll be back soon...!

p/s: now nih slalu sangat sakit perut (sgt pedih, panas, etc...) ..effect from pain killer kah..?? :(