Hmm..just want to update a quick entry on the orientation week 2009/2010...
It was awesome.. seriously.. :)
This is my 6th time joining the OC (including January/ February and June intake) and this is my 3rd time being a Discipline Master (DM). As for me, being a DM is not an easy task. But with the support n full cooperation of all the OCs and freshies, I have turn up to be the "worst" DM ever at that time.. sorry guys n girls (esp the girls freshies)...
Working together with six other DMs were very wonderful. Saiful, Jiun, Ragu, Raymond, Keat Yee, n Nithiyaa - there are all great people that i know for the DM's jobs. Really thanks to Jiun for the DMs part during the orientation week.
Special thanks to SAIFUL that really helps me n teach me A LOT during the orientation, especially related to the muslims freshies. At first, for me, i can see him as a combination of Taufik n Chap (my previous DM partners), but later on, when i work with him, he has his very own way that i really respect! Really thanks to him for that!!!
One more thing, i'm interested to share with u guys of what i felt. Just clicks on ain shari blog for that.. Her entry - "Orientation Committee 09/10" - really touch me a lot n i have no doubt for that entry...that was all our experiences related to the OCs that i'll never forget.. thanks ain!!
To all the freshies for June intake 2009/2010: For me, I can say that all the freshies for this year's orientation are very awesome. You guys are great n i'm happy to have all of you as my freshies.
Last but not least, thanks to all the Orientation Committees (OC) for all your support and cooperation. Thanks for being my frenz..
Special thanks to MIMIE during the OC's binding camp..
Special thanks to AIN SHARI for the surau session..
VERY Special thanks to AIN ISMAIL n EROL who were always be there fo me during the orientation programme.
Really appreciate all of u!!!
p/s: sorry.. this time, i dun have pictures..:(
thanks to IZZAH MEOR for always helping me and be with me during the whole binding and orientation program..
trimas ain!!!!!!
sayang kat ain..
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