" Friends are like jigsaw puzzle,
When one of the pieces is lost,
you can't complete the picture,
and you are like one of the pieces
that I can't afford to lose... "
dear my friends...
we have shared the kind of friendship thats ground deeper thru the years. we've seen the ups, we've know the downs, we've share the smiles and tears. thank you very much for this great relationship... i pray that Allah will blessed our relationship as i will always treasure our memories together...i just want each and everyone of you knows that i am soo glad that our paths crossed...
really hope that our relationship will last forever...
Friendship Remain And Never Can End....

sayang kamu sgt. :)
sayang kat mina jgk...:*
trimas mina jadi kawan izzah..
izzah xkan lupa kan mina smp bila2..;)
rindunyerr zaman dlu2..huhu..=)
rindu sgt2 kenangan2 lalu..di sanalah segalanya bermula...semoga ia sentiasa segar dlm ingatan..
ahaks.. gambar kayak buatan sendiri tu..team tu menang tu waktu siapkan kayak tu..:p..those were the days
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